Advanced Ho'oponopono: Heal the Most Important Relationship in Your Life
Now Released!.....A Special download edition of the most important part of Ho'oponopono.
So many people have had breakthrough experiences from the Advanced Inner Child Meditation on the Subliminal Clearing: Z Plus Advanced Ho'oponopono DVD.
I know that with economic conditions as they are, investing in a $79 DVD can be an expenditure many folks might not want to make right now. I wanted as many people to experience this meditation as possible, so that folks facing difficult situations can find peace and healing... in their relationships, their finances, their careers.
Times are tough. But when we're challenged like this, we often grow and achieve things that we never thought possible when times were easy.
But to get there, we need to first heal what is within us that is experiencing lack, fear, and discord.
The Advanced Ho'oponopono: Advanced Inner Child Meditation is Powerful
When folks tell me about their experiences with the Advanced Inner Child Meditation, they're often quite emotional. One woman told me that the feelings are so incredible, she cries every time she watches it... and she watches every day.
Even the men admit the same type of emotional response when watching it. And they're not embarrassed to say so.
When I was inspired to create this meditation, I was moved myself. It's funny, because when I considered it mentally, it was powerful. But when I let it go in my body, I was blown away by its power and how it shifted many things for me.
Those who have invested in the full Subliminal Clearing: Z Plus Advanced Ho'oponopono package have over 6 hours of video in their hands. But for those who are looking for a little boost without going deeper, this meditation is a great start.
What You'll Get
This lighter version contains the 20-minute Advanced Inner Child Meditation along with a short, 10-minute Concept of the Inner Child video.
The Concept of the Inner Child video explains the process of understanding the magic of the Inner Child relationship. You'll learn how it works inside of you, and how to gain a tremendous healing of the inner relationship it represents. Once the inner child relationship is healed and opened up, you will be amazed at how things begin to rapidly change in your life.
The Advanced Inner Child Meditation is a full-color HD (High Definition Video Footage) tour through some of the most beautiful scenery in the world. I took some amazing footage in and around Mt. Shasta, California in the majestic Cascade Mountains. Throughout this scenery is some wonderful special effects using the latest techniques to make the scenes even more magical. Interspersed are powerful video subliminal suggestions to help your unconscious mind integrate the healing from the Advanced Inner Child Meditation. One of Mount Shasta's most talented healers is also an acclaimed musician. He uses ho'oponopono in his acupuncture practice, and he also created an inspired musical track especially for this video.
Combined together, this video is spectacular. It will have an amazing affect on you.
Two Ways to Get This and a Bonus
We've decided to sell this product as a download for only $19.95.
And, if after experiencing this life-changing video, you decide to invest in the full Subliminal Clearing: Z Plus Advanced Ho'oponopono product, we'll give you $20 off your purchase of the full DVD set. That includes participation in the Subliminal Clearing Members Only online content.
Why is the Inner Child Relationship Important
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len said of the mother child relationship, and no matter what it is or has been on the outside, we all have this very special Inner Child relationship within us. If you want to make any positive movement in your life, you need to learn how to understand how this relationship works within you.
I explain this process in an easy-to-understand way so that you can learn how to approach this relationship.
How would you treat someone if you met them as just and average person.... but then later found out that this was an amazing person who had saved your life when you were younger. What if you find out they have not only saved your life, but the lives of many people, and they were a king, queen, or president of a major country, too? Would you treat them differently if you knew all of this?
Multiply that feeling by 10, 100, or 1,000 times... and then you'll understand how important it is to have a certain mindset when first meeting your Inner Child.
Trust me, this makes all the difference in the world.
Throughout my 20+ years working with people and their unconscious minds, I have used a similar process with great results. In a therapeutic setting, however, we usually don't bring in too much of the spiritual. However, if I knew someone was okay with it and had permission, I would bring in the spiritual element. When this would happen, sometimes we would both sit there after the session without speaking, or just repeating "wow," because of the healing energy we felt when this relationship was established properly.
This, of course, fits beautifully with ho'oponopono. In fact, I believe that the gentleman who first developed this years ago while living in Hawaii. I had wondered why the meditation didn't approach this from a different, more personal angle. Then it hit me, of course! I added this part to advance ho'oponopono.
What is Advanced About This?
Some folks have asked how you can advance ho'oponopono. Remember, the unconscious mind has many meanings.
Here are a few:
Advanced... Better than
Advanced... Higher than
or Advanced.. He advanced it out into the world
Advanced... She advanced the cause
Advanced... expanded
Advanced... went forth
I'll let you decide what I mean after watching this Life Changing video. Get yours today by clicking the link below.
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